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Calathea/Vittata 6"

You may notice some movement from your Calathea Vittata plant, with its leaves folding up at night and unfurling in daylight. The variegation on this Calathea resembles intricate paint strokes, giving each leaf a distinctive and unique appearance.
Pet friendly (cats/dogs)
Child friendly

Lighting: Prefers bright, indirect light. avoid direct sunlight to prevent leaf burn. Can tolerate lower light conditions however may affect leaf colour.

Watering: Keep consistently moist without sitting in water, do not allow soil to dry completely out. Stick your finger into the soil to check its moisture level or use our moisture meter to take the guesswork out.

Potting mix: Use a High quality potting mix like our Fafard potting soil when repotting to retain some moisture.

Temperature: Prefers a warm environment, within the range of 18-24°C. Avoid Drafts from windows, doors, and air vents.

Humidity: Requires high humidity; use a humidifier or pebble tray with water for added humidity.

Fertilization: Feed with a balanced liquid fertilizer every 4-6 weeks during the growing season. We recommend our Sultz 10-15-10 . Reduce to 8 weeks in fall and winter.

Repotting: Repotting is recommended every 1,2 years Do not allow to become rootbound as this can increase risk of fungal infection Use a pot no more than 5 cm larger than the existing pot.