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Heath Aster # 1 Cb

Embrace the beauty of autumn with the delicate blooms of Heath Aster (Symphyotrichum ericoides var. ericoides), a native plant that graces your garden with a profusion of single white flowers from late summer through fall. Forming a dense foliage mat adorned with distinctive, narrow, linear leaves, this charming aster adds a touch of elegance to the landscape. Its low, spreading nature makes it an excellent choice for cascading over walls and providing ground cover, creating a picturesque scene reminiscent of cascading snowflakes in the autumn breeze.

Ecological Benefits:

  • Symphyotrichum ericoides var. ericoides is a native plant, supporting local ecosystems and providing valuable habitat and food sources for pollinators.
  • Heath Aster’s serves as a vital food source for pollinators, including bees, butterflies, and other beneficial insects, providing them with nectar and pollen to support their lifecycle and contribute to the health of local ecosystems.
  • As a ground cover plant, Heath Aster helps prevent soil erosion by forming a dense root system that holds soil in place, reducing the risk of runoff and preserving soil fertility for healthy plant growth.

Growing Details:
Flourishes in zones 3 to 10
Height: ~36inches
Width: ~18inches
Lighting: Sun